30 Day Social Media Detox
Hello, hey!
I feel it’s very much time for me to do a minimum 30 Day Social Media Detox!
Did you know in 2022 I quit social media?
Like totally quit. I closed my Instagram and Facebook accounts completely. DELETED.
And it was heavenly! Really a lot better than I realize it would be. I was reading my other blog post about it today and it made me want to get off again.
What happened when I quit social media:
- I had more time to be present with family. :
- Stopped taking so many photos and started taking in the moments.
- I had less stress because I wasn’t reading comments from mean people on the internet.
- I stopped comparing myself to others because they weren’t in my face all the time sharing how great their life is and how much money they make.
- My house was tidier, my laundry was folded and I explored my city more.
Those are some powerful reasons to do something about a social media addiction – again.
I QUIT Social Media << this one
I ended up on this post because I was checking my Search Engine rankings last night (which are STILL on the rise!) and found that it’s one of my most popular posts.
A LOT of people are fed up with social media.
We’re tired of being triggered.
We’re tired of scrolling useless videos.
We’re tired of seeing the negativity.
One of the things that triggers me the most is seeing good people getting bullied and saying “it’s just part of the job”. They are literally getting cyber bullied and saying they have to take it because they choose to be popular on the platform.
But I think it’s a choice. They COULD delete and block… but many don’t because negativity spreads like wildfire and that gets them more views, likes, comments (positive and negative) and makes them more money (I believe).
Yuck, yuck, yuck.
I’m a busy mom who’s trying to keep up with life right now. I don’t need to be on social media.
I make my money from EMAIL < so what am I doing trying to build something on a platform that treats people like the product and allows abuse? Not sure about that one?!
So I’m taking 30 Days to think about that, catch up on housecleaning, stare lovingly at my family (while they get creeped out) and more! LOL
This is not a challenge I’m doing with anyone.

Time to Stop & Smell the Roses!
Join the FREE 7-Day Challenge:
Join the challenge for instant access to PDF resources and a daily email to help you get your social media detox.
30 Day Social Media Detox
This is a self-challenge. I’ll be accountable to ME for this – well and you, too, because I will be posting my updates on this post.
I’m so sick of it, though, I want to. So I’m not sure how challenging it will be – we’ll see.
It’s all just something I decided in the moment. I MIGHT make it into a guided challenge where I send an email once a week or something – but if you’d like to do this with me now shoot me an email. I don’t mind company and I’d love to see how you feel afterwards.
So please contact me here if you have anything. I don’t get many DMs on social AT ALL but I just wanted you to know, just in case.
I’ll leave you with this thought:
I once asked my daughter (who was 8 at the time) if everyone jumped off a bridge would she do it, too. I know that’s an old saying and it was the first time I’d said it. Her answer: Yes because if she didn’t she’d be all alone.
And I thought that spoke of the power of human nature. I think I keep going back to social media because it FEELS more alone without it. I do it because everyone else is doing it. But the truth is I actually feel more alone ON social media than I do OFF it.
Because there are so many things that are fake in that world.
Give me the friend I can sit with and have an in-person coffee chat.
Give me the four-friend group that has sushi lunch once a month.
Give me a one on one, heart to heart.
Give me REAL.
I’m wishing that for you, too, where ever you find it!
❤️ Ang
30 Day Social Media Detox Check in
I will be posting my updates on this post.
Day 1, April 25th: Full Attention to a Loved One
I ended up starting last night and I noticed immediately how much more attentive I was with my daughter. This is hard to admit but I’m doing it in case it helps others. She was excitedly telling me something and rather than looking up from my phone while thinking about the thing I was going to get back to I was LISTENING to her and seeing her joy as she saw my full attention. This is HUGE and worth the detox alone. It also just makes me want to change my habits for good.
Also last night I tidied more than usual.
This morning I did NOT check my socials, as promised to myself. I got up and started my day… no peaking. With more focus on what I was doing. Today I’ve written an email to my list (read it here), updated my site, worked with my coaching clients and am now updating this post. And it’s only 11:10am. I’ll update again tomorrow!
Update: At 6pm I brought my daughter to watch a movie at the school. Normally I’d be on my phone looking at social media but I stayed off. I was kind of bored but I’m happy to be keeping my promise to myself to stay OFF social media!
Day 2, April 26th: Launched a NEW Product
Today I actually revived a product. My Accountability Challenge.
On top of that I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about my money and how to do the absolute best job of managing it. I’ve had issues with money management since I got my first credit card at 19 years old. And 2024 is the year I change that. I’ve started investing. I’m pre-paying my taxes so I never get into issues there again.
Day 7 – May 1st: Adapting the challenge
So my first seven days of this 30 Day Social Media Challenge have been interesting!
I looked up my usage of Facebook and Instagram BEFORE this challenge and it was an embarrassing 25-ish hours per week. That’s 1,300 hours a day or 54 days! What? No, that can’t be right. At 54 days that 14% of my year… ok I guess that makes sense.
You see I did realize that Facebook and Instagram are my entertainment. But the quality is SO LOW it’s just frustrating!
I’m noticing I have time for more naps but I do need to find other things to fill my time. Housecleaning is an option, but not a fun one. Another thing I’ve been doing is more work. With a goal to pay off some debts this seems like a good plan!
Otherwise I have come to the conclusion that I’d like to adapt the challenge. I’m going to allow myself to go on to social media to reply to private messages from colleagues and clients/customers and to POST content, on Instagram. I have my Instagram account that I do believe has gotten me customers – so I’m going to add that caveat to my own personal challenge!
If you take up this challenge yourself feel free to edit it as you see fit! I see the problem, the time SUCK, to be the random, useless scrolling of accounts from strangers who I will never interact with. THAT is what this detox is about.
Day 22 – May 15th: Well I haven been so busy with WORK I haven’t gotten back to update. As far as I’m concerned my 30-Day Social Media Detox was a SUCCESS!
This doesn’t mean I’m completely disconnected. I’ve done that before. I totally LEFT social media and closed all my accounts and it was extreme. It made me FEEL disconnected and like I was missing out. It made me feel like I abandoned some of my relationships. So I didn’t want to do that again, and I haven’t!
What this detox did allow me to do, though, was RESET. I was able to reset the scrolling. I wasn’t really scrolling the feed but I had this desire to watch ALLLL the stories. And now I watch stories from two or three people and leave the rest. I go on Instagram and Facebook to post my posts, check a few things and leave.
It doesn’t hurt that I started a whole new business in the meantime! I’m now an Independent Travel Advisor with Playcation Travel and I’ve started a new blog and social accounts for this, too! I’m soooo excited to help people book Disney vacations. And of course the Instagram channel for this one is filled with Disney stuff. It’s here. And my new blog is here: Magic Castle Dreams Disney Travel – Agent & Planner