Life Without Social Media – How Quitting Social Media Affected My Life & Business
In 2022 I decided to find out what life and business without social media would look like.
I was so tired of seeing people arguing. I had so much anxiety and I thought a lot of it was coming from social.
Disconnecting from Social Media
So I packed up my Facebook and Instagram, shut them down and decided to try life without social media.
This post was written two months into quitting social media…
Here’s my summary of life after leaving Facebook & Instagram:
How Quitting Social Media Affected Family & Friends:
I do feel like I’m missing out on seeing photos of family and friends and that sucks… I don’t like that. It’s the one major con of my leaving.
I will add I DID feel quite disconnected at first but I’ve since put focus on local connections and have been having one heck of a summer so far! Friends, family, fun and lots of activity.
(The above was written July, 2022 when full off social.)
Update August 20th, 2023: After getting BACK on social media a few months I can say that this summer I was MUCH more distracted. This took away from the quality of my connections with my family, my children and myself. Reading this and comparing REALLY shows me I need to remove myself again.
Here is a photo from the summer 2022 at Niagara Falls with my Husband and Daughter:
How Quitting Social Media Affected Mental Health:
I was getting a lot of anxiety from the mindless scroll, the negative comments, the fear of judgement on my opinions, etc. I’m glad to leave that out of my life and I think it’s better for it.
And of course I also played the comparison game on social, how do you not? I would see people looking pretty or having a clean house or on a beautiful vacation and wish I had those things. Can’t do that mess if I’m not on there. 🙂
How Quitting Social Media Affected News:
I guess I was getting all of my news from Facebook because I don’t watch news on TV (we don’t even have cable) and I don’t look up news. This hasn’t affected my life in any significant way. I hear about the big things from family and friends.
How Quitting Social Media Affected Time:
I would spend a ridiculous amount of time on Facebook & Instagram. It was almost all wasted time. I have won that time back.
How Quitting Social Media Affected Productivity:
I’ve still got a phone addiction that I’m working on but while on my phone after quitting social media I would go to my email and clear out my inbox, answer emails, respond, etc. That makes me more productive doing that alone.
How Quitting Social Media Affected Morals:
I make a stand against things I don’t want to support by not supporting them. This is why I’m vegan. So if I were to continue to use Facebook (the main culprit as I see it) and also Instagram, I’d be going against my own morals to not support something I think is pretty detrimental to society. This is NOT a judgement on anyone else. I just feel good standing up for what feels right to me.
Life Without Social Media and Society Norms:
There’s this interesting thing about bucking a social norm. I did it when I became an entrepreneur, again when I became vegan and now with leaving social. People seem so surprised and sometimes their response makes me question my decision. For the most part, though, I feel just fine not doing something even if most other people are doing it.
How Quitting Social Media Affected Business:
Here’s the thing. I maybe have only made $1,000 on social media out of over $1,000,000 in sales online. The bulk of that social income was made when I purchased a site with a Facebook group of 10,000 people that I played around with promoting for a bit.
So when I decided to cut out social I was NOT cutting out an income stream. That made it a pretty easy business decision. It hasn’t affected my business in any negative way that I can tell.
How do I make money? You know it – Email Marketing.
My main method of list-building has been participating in collaboration events – mainly bundle sales & some giveaways (same thing but free). My training on that is right here.
Quitting Social Media Conclusion:
I don’t regret leaving social media AT ALL. I think it might be one of the smartest decision I’ve made in many years.
August 20th, 2023 Update on Life Without Social Media:
I returned to social media – Instagram and Facebook – about five months ago.
And I’m ready to leave, again, honestly.
While I DO greatly appreciate a few relationships I’ve built on there I don’t find that I’m wasting too much time in the feed scrolling and watching random things I don’t need to watch.
So my plan is to leave my accounts, this time, and just leave the platforms.
I’m going to do a 30-Day Social Media Detox for myself so that I can reset my need to go on there multiple times per day! It’s an unhealthy pattern I want to break.
November 8th, 2023 Update on Life Without Social Media
So I guess it’s been almost 8 months on social now. I tried doing business posts on Instagram and I almost never post on Facebook. I also ended up starting a group for business on Facebook and groups for coaching. I regret doing that. I’m going to detangle myself, AGAIN, from all social media by 2024, Jan. 1st.
So this means I’ll be closing the business group, moving the coaching into Voxer and then keeping my accounts but removing myself from participating in social media. It is a purely toxic, addictive time suck for me. I don’t get much of any benefits from it.
April 24th, 2024 Update on Social Media
Ok so I’ve been actively posting on Instagram.
I did NOT close my Facebook business group.
Yet… I have the same feelings about how social media affects my life as I did before.
I believe it’s sucking time away that I could surely be using to clean my house and be truly present with my family. Instead I scroll Instagram and stupid Facebook posts. It’s entirely an addiction. Can I live with it? Maybe… but I know I won’t be relying on it for my social interaction or business growth.
Life Without Social Media & Business:
If you’re a business owner and you’d rather not be on social media for business at all then I’d love to invite you to join my email list to hear more about HOW to do that.
I’ve been building my business without social media for over 22 years now. ONLINE. BEFORE social media ever existed actually. You can, too! I write a daily email to help you learn how to run an online business that does not rely on social media. I teach you how to sell via email, like I do, without “selling”. You help people – with advice and tips and information like I offer. If you think it’s for you the sign up is below. You can unsubscribe at any time!
You can read this post for more details on how I left and what I’d do different this time:
How to Disconnect from Social Media