BC Stack 2024 – What you can expect

Well if you’re looking for BC Stack 2024 you won’t have to wait much longer!

This once a year online business courses collaboration runs from June 10th to 16th – six days only. It’s only $49 for 65 FULL PRODUCTS. That’s $0.75 per product which is crazy when my product alone will sell for $175 – for real – that’s the list price for my website.

Here are the creators, Dan and Rachel, to tell you about BC Stack:

BC Stack is now in it’s 10th year. I’ve participated in many of these collaborations including the first year.

This collaboration draws some very impressive participants who are helping make the online world a better place. People creating real products that help real people. I’ve always been proud to be part of this online list-building collaboration!

bc stack

How BC Stack Works:

If you’re not familiar with how online collaborations like this work here’s how it goes:

  • A bunch of business owners join a bundle sale. In this case there are at least 65 of us.
  • A host gathers up all the product information and creates a bundle sales page. This is where you can pay to access ALL products. You pay one price (in this case, $49) and you can sign up for ANY of the products you like.
  • You won’t get automatically signed up for all products. If you did then you’d be signed up for 65 email lists at once and that would be a little crazy! Instead you pick and choose the products. I NEVER recommend you try to sign up for ALL of them – you will never go through 65 products AND build a profitable business. Just pick the ones you need and get to it.

How to Beat Overwhelm from Bundle Sales

Getting so many products for such a great price is VERY exciting.

Overwhelm is a real risk after that dies off. There is so much information, decisions, opportunities and ideas that can come from a bundle like this!

The way to beat this is to PUT ON BLINDERS.

I recommend you ONLY sign up for the courses you already had interest in and anything you might get to in the next year or two. You can’t do it all. For only $49 you will get amazing value to have a few courses you take action on and get your ROI on.

Another suggestion is to pick some mentors. Pick a few people you think you can really learn from and go deep with their training and into their community. This can serve you very well.

I recorded a video to give you all the details on BC Stack and my bonuses I’ve added:

My Offer in BC Stack:

Let’s talk about my offer in BC Stack this year, 2024. This year I’ve decided to participate in BC Stack by launching a NEW product right from the stack.

The NEW offer is called Core Message Marketing. It is four live sessions to teach and train you on how to add YOU into your marketing. So many people are acting like or using robot content and it shows. When you think about YOUR values, choose a core message (or a few) and speak to that you will stand out like never before! This is what my core message marketing training is all about!

This training will be regularly priced at $175 (would be at least $200 when/if I run a live version).

You can get it as part of BC Stack for only $49 (and over 80 other products)!

BC Stack Affiliate Program

The BC Stack is a community collaboration. When you work together like that you reach so many more people than going it alone.

The BC Stack has an affiliate program for collaborators but also for any affiliate who wants to promote the sale. There is an incredible affiliate program that offers 10 awesome cash prizes starting with $5000 for the top sales. Talk about affiliate incentive!

I’m proud and excited to share this sale with my community. Your community might love it, too.

You can sign up as an affiliate here. < that’s my referral link

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