Do this instead of picking a business niche…

Picking a business niche is a common first-step to creating a business but it’s also challenging!

How do you pick something you like? Something that’s a “hot topic”? Something you’ll want to do for YEARS? Something that’s got enough content ideas to keep you creating content and products to build a business on?

Well… I see a bigger issue with niching your business:

You get stuck with ONE direction.

I personally like a LOT more freedom to pick up new directions, to speak to more than ONE person and to recognize the immense diversity of people and interests and motivations of those on my list.

This is why I decided a long time ago to run my business around my Core Values.

I’m a mom who started my business to be home with my kids – making one of my major core values to me FAMILY. I talk about this a LOT in my marketing. My entire brand is build around this value as well. Lifestyle freedom is about the freedom to choose – and my choice was to be a stay at home work at home mom!

So instead of choosing a “niche” I choose values. And not just one. I talk on any values that are important to me. While most values stay the same I do have many and this gives me plenty of variety to speak to when I’m creating content for my audience.

Of course another value my site is built around is FREEDOM. This ties with family of course but it means different things to different people.

I’ve been using this method of marketing for about 15 years at least now and in that time I have found some absolutely incredible benefits to using “core message marketing” as my guiding business direction.

Here are some of the benefits:

  • Attracts LOYAL customers. When you speak to the values you attract people with the same values. When you attract people with the same values they because VERY loyal customers! They’re drawn to you for a very personal reason and not just because they want “an email marketing course” – so they’re going to stick around.
  • Doesn’t get boring! I don’t know about you but if I have to talk about the exact same topic for another 5 years I’m gonna DIE of boredom. LOL. I know, dramatic. But seriously I can’t handle the same topic over and over and over again! There is so much variety that allows for when you use core message marketing.
  • Allows for pivoting. If you’re locked into a niche it’s hard to pivot your whole business. Instead you’ll probably need to start over from scratch. When you build a brand around values then you can keep sharing those values in relation to the new direction and people are generally very accepting of that.

Core Message Marketing is a powerful way to build a business. If you’d like to dig further into this idea I suggest you check out this course: Core Message Marketing

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