What if Everything You Want to Achieve is Up to You?

Unlock the potential of your mindset.

It’s a scary thought to consider that what you achieve in business and life is entirely up to you.

UNTIL you realize what a powerful thought it is!
Your mindset work isn’t just kind of important – it’s ultra important.

If you don’t control your mindset, it WILL control you.

I’m Angela Wills, and on this page I’ll tell you about my NEW course – Unbreakable Mindset – and how mindset could help you achieve more, more easily and more quickly!

Maybe you can relate to this…

My first memory of how important mindset is was many years ago when I went to a wedding.

Everyone around me was having fun, dancing, enjoying the night but I was like a bump on a log. Not happy. Not having fun.

Because this mean girl was saying things like:

“Wow that skirt looks TERRIBLE on you”
“Why did you wear something so short? Your legs are so fat.”
“Those stockings look RIDICULOUS in those silly clog shoes.”

So many things. All night long.

That voice. Just tearing me down. It is the most dramatic case of negative self talk and bad mindset that I remember about myself.

Yes – that mean girl was ME.

Talking to MYSELF.

And you can imagine how hard, if not impossible, it would be to build myself up to have a great life and a thriving business with that kind of attitude about the one person I should love more than anyone else in the world.

I feel so sad for that version of me.

But good news – I’ve changed OH SO MUCH since those days!


And in all this time, probably 18 years, I’ve never taught what I’ve learned about having a positive attitude, loving yourself and working continually on your success mindset.

I think this was the start of my awareness of just how much power my words to myself have.

The only person who ruined my night was me. But that wasn’t all. That kind of attitude is NOT an isolated incident. It bleeds into EVERYTHING…. your life, your business, your relationships, your parenting.

Now, look – I don’t say this to create ANY guilt. If you are doing this now give yourself LOTS of grace. So many people have negative self-talk and a mindset that is not ideal. But that’s why I’m here to talk about it and offer you REAL solutions that REAL people have used (myself included) to create REAL results in their lives!

I’ve used these myself. Friends of mine have used them. And I’ve used them over and over again in working with clients.

In UNBREAKABLE Mindset I’m pulling together EVERYTHING I’ve learned and used to create a mindset that moves me forward in business.

A great growth mindset can get you through MANY things from big to small!

Here are some examples:

  • Tech headaches become a thing of the past with the right mindset. YES, you’ll have tech problems but how you view them will totally change.
  • Pivots and adjustments in business will be just another part of the process. They will not be cause for panic and “end of the world” worrying.
  • You stop worrying about having enough “time” for everything and you realize you don’t need time. You need good strategies, the 80/20 rule, systems, outsourcing and all the leverage you can find!
  • Overwhelm and confusion mostly stop because you know how to handle them and choose to not head further down those paths when they come up in front of you.
  • You can CREATE in your life and business from a place and sense of PEACE. Because your mind is calm and not constantly trying to tell you that you can’t do this. You CAN!

A healthy mindset isn’t about just “being positive”. It’s about how you think, how you let that feel, what you do with those feelings to create action or inaction. It’s breaking bad cycles. It’s creating new ones.

You won’t fix your mindset with a book, a YouTube video or some course alone. It’s about the PRACTICE you put into place to think about your thinking. This course is ALL about taking action, putting into practice the strategies that work for you and growing your mindset bit by bit, day by day.

What we will focus on in this course (what you will learn):

✔️ Time management and the 80/20 rule so you actually can DO the things you have that positive mindset to do!

✔️ Why and how caring for your mindset could change your life.

✔️ How a “growth mindset” is the most powerful way to think.

✔️ Taking inventory of yourself (wheel of life) so you can leap towards what you really want!

✔️ The practice and power of changing your thoughts (thought record) for growing your business and creating freedom.

✔️ The book that changed my life and how I use it now years later.

✔️ Creating “proof” for yourself is a powerful mindset tactic.

✔️ How to look at every problem from now moving forward so it doesn’t take you down or take you out.

Aspiring Course Creators who are tired of procrastinating and ready to just do the damn thing!

Entrepreneurs and Freelancers who value lifestyle freedom and living life on your terms.

Coaches and Consultants who want to attract the RIGHT clients they love working with.

Creatives and Experts who know they have so much value to give and want to be positioned to make maximum impact with their arts and expertise!

Make no mistake here – I will be the facilitator of this course and program but YOU are the person who’ll do the work on your mind. YOU are the only one who can save you. I’m here to prompt, guide, offer tools and more so there’s huge value in that. But with YOU none of it matters.

It’s the combination that is going to be oh so powerful, though! I can not WAIT to work with you!

Over all these years that I’ve worked on my mindset I have heard over and over and over again how much people have enjoyed watching me grow. I can not wait until YOU get those kind of comments, too!

In this course you’ll learn my methods, I share my stories and results and I leave nothing out! You get it all in a step by step, detail by detail manner.

Here’s what you can expect from the Course Freedom Formula:

  • Condensed LIVE and Recorded Version of the course – eeks! (Feb. 13th, 10am – 12pm ET)
  • Full self-study Recorded Training Modules to review at your own convenience. (Feb. 13th – 27th)
  • Dedicated Customer Group: Join other students to ask questions, learn together and GROW.
  • Full, Unlimited Access: Your access to the course and all future updates is guaranteed, so you can learn and grow at your own pace. There’s no race to learn it all in a limited time.
  • Proven System: This course is based on years of experience and success results in mindset practice.
  • Comprehensive Curriculum: We cover every step of the process, leaving no stone unturned.
  • Free Updates: Courses are regularly updated and these updates are provided at no extra cost. Even new versions and live versions.
  • Mobile Version: The training will be available in my ThriveCart system AND my Heartbeat system so that you can watch/review on mobile or tablet as well!
  • Accessible Training: This video course comes with a printable workbook, online course creation checklists, process documents, close caption and resources as needed. All in a pick up where you left off platform so you can easily do it in bite sized pieces as needed.

Q. Do I need any prior experience to take UNBREAKABLE Mindset?

Not at all. Anytime is a great time to start working on the power of your mind.

Q. What if I can’t complete the course all at once?

Not a problem. You are given permanent access to the course. Go back any time and complete what you need, or review the course as many times as needed.

Q. Are you a therapist?

I am absolutely NOT a therapist. I’m a mom and an entrepreneur who’s studied and put mindset into practice for many years. This is my take. These are based on my results. This is not therapy or any form of treatment.

Q. Do I need a business to take this course?

While I do talk business as this is targeted to business owners, you do not need to have a business started to benefit from the mindset parts of this course. If you intend to start a business now is a wonderful time to work on your mindset!