Selling & Serving in Emails
As a digital product seller your highest value IS your products. If they cost money they best be your best stuff or it’s time to work on your product value, not your emails!
You can sell in EVERY SINGLE EMAIL in a way that ALSO provides huge value to your list.
Click Here for Selling & Serving in Emails
List Building for Everyone
If you’re tired of hearing coaches and mentors and the whole wide word telling to to “build your list” and then not having a clue HOW to do that then you might want this training.
Click Here for List Building for Everyone
Endless Email Ideas
Using your core values I’ll show you how to establish Core Messages. Keep your audience connected with you, keep your messaging consistent and create a bond that will have people buying what you sell because YOU are selling it! Ultimate customer loyal happens when you use core messaging for your marketing.
Click Here for Endless Email Ideas
Build Your List with Blog Traffic
Whether you’re just getting started building website traffic to your site or you get thousands (or tens or hundreds) of visitors, now is a GREAT TIME to build and grow an email list.
With a steady flow of traffic you basically have the email marketing DREAM.
Click Here for Build with Blog Traffic
Build with an Affiliate Program
This is a class for you if you want to collaborate with others and share win-win-win situations (your new people win – your affiliates win – you win).
Click Here for Build with an Affiliate Program
Build with Bundle Events
When you participate in one of these events and someone claims your product they join YOUR email list. One by one you can get dozens or hundreds of people popping onto your list in a few days from any one event.
Click Here for Build with Bundle Events
Build Your List with Challenges
I love running challenges and I have always gotten great results from running them and engaging with my community. The effects are far-reaching as you create so much goodwill with your challengers! I look forward to sharing this info with you so you can apply it to your business!
Click Here for Build With Challenges
Chat GPT for Email Help
I write all my own content. I sometimes use Chat GPT as an assistant. In this training I’ll show you around the tool, give you the prompts I use and explain how to use ChatGPT to help with your email marketing.
Click Here for Chat GPT for Email
Genuine Email Marketing
One of the biggest reasons you struggle with email marketing is if it doesn’t FEEL right you won’t do it. The way most people do email is the only model many have for “email marketing” and that model can be pushy, aggressive, all about “me, me, me”. What if email marketing were GENUINE, though?
Click Here for Genuine Email Marketing
Know Your Numbers
9 times out of 10 when someone says to me it’s not working and I ask them how much traffic they got, what their conversion rate is or how many people they NEED to see the page to make the sales they wanted they can’t tell me. So in the Know Your Numbers class we’re doing to dig deep into this and we’re going to once and for all have the words “it’s not working” banished from your vocabulary!
Click Here for Know Your Numbers
The Welcome Setup
Stop Pressuring Yourself to Create a “Nurture” or “Welcome” Series! Learn a Simple, step by step welcome setup and move on to the good part – making money and helping people with your emails list!
Click Here for The Welcome Setup
Writing Emails Faster
What if, in thirty minutes per day, you could have a consistent habit that generates your income? This is what it’s like for me in my business. If I have time for nothing else I write emails and those emails create the lifestyle freedom I live. I’d love to teach you all I know about writing emails FASTER.
Click Here for Writing Emails Faster
Find Anything Anywhere
Nobody wants to spend time looking for things.
Find Anything Anywhere is a clear system for getting work done, instead of wasting time looking for what you need!
Click Here for Find Anything Anywhere
Finish Strong
Finish Strong teaches you a system of organizing and planning your business marketing so you can get to work, rather than work on the fly!
Outrageous Goalsetting
Outrageous Goalsetting is all about your income goals and what actions you need to do to make them happen. This entire class is based around a single spreadsheet I will teach you about.
Click Here for Outrageous Goalsetting
Before You Order…
How to get this class for Under $10
The Email Marketing Library is FULL of training to help you grow your business via email marketing. This course is included in the library for a total price of $200 or 12 monthly payments of $20. With that you get ALL of these classes and more: