Hi from Angela Wills!

As I teach people to build an online business the number one question that comes up is “How do I build my email list?”

My best answer is always: Participate in Bundle Events!

A Bundle Event happens when a group of savvy business owners get together and offer a bundle of products. They offer all these products in one event. They invite all their lists to come claim the bundle. 

When you participate in one of these events and someone claims your product they join YOUR email list. One by one you can get dozens or hundreds of people popping onto your list in a few days from any one event. 

By participating in an event you are getting the connection power of an entire GROUP of business owners. 

  • Bundle events can be a sale or free – X number of products for X dollars OR X number of products for free. 
  • Bundle events can cost you money to join or be free to join.

There are all kinds of iterations of how people run these events too but one thing remains the same across the board… when done right they can add dozens, hundreds or even thousands of people to your email list. 

Here is a screenshot of my email software program and all the people I’ve added to my list from events:

That’s a total of 1819 subscribers from events I have participated in for FREE and many for very little time invested! 

Those are the subscribers remaining after unsubscribes. It’s common to get unsubscribers as there are many offers in a single bundle and not everyone is going to stay on your list. 

However, there are ways you can stand out and help yourself keep more subscribers by showing them how much value you offer. I’ll walk you through the whole process in this training! 

This is just from a period of about six months. Over the last ten years or more I’ve added thousands upon thousands of email subscribers to my own list, and have taught others to do the same!

An Email List Equals More Lifestyle Freedom…

As you know email is one of THE most reliable and highest profit ways to market your offers. Not to mention it’s NOT risky business like building entirely on social media (hello, goodbye Tik Tok?!).

Creating a growing email list gives you freedom. You don’t have to show up every single day if you don’t want to – you can automate or email when the time is right. You can build a relationship with your list so they BUY when you email. You can feel confident that won’t disappear overnight unlike some other methods or platforms.

In the Build Your List with Bundle Events Class I am going to teach you how to find events, prepare for them and build your list with them. 

What you get:

  • Recording teaching you exactly how to find bundles, prepare for them and add people to you email list using them (the tech tools, too). Audio or Video versions available. 
  • Worksheet & Checklist so you can think through what you need and have it ready
  • FREE ACCESS to the NEW Customer Community – weekly accountability, awesome people and great chats. 

I’m looking forward to sharing the number one way I’ve built my email lists over the last 15 plus years. 

To get instant access to everything above just complete the order form below!

My Customers Have Used Bundles to
Build Their First Email Lists and Get Their First Sales!

Before You Order…
How to get this class for Under $10

The Email Marketing Library is FULL of training to help you grow your business via email marketing. This course is included in the library for a total price of $200 or 12 monthly payments of $20. With that you get ALL of these classes and more:

Click here to buy the Email Marketing Library

Fill in the Form Below to Order Now!

***Also please note you will be added to my regular email list “Letters from Angela”, where I share tons of insights, updates and info on how to build lifestyle freedom into your business. I email almost every day because I have a lot to share and my subscribers love to immerse themselves in learning via those emails. You can unsubscribe, of course, removing you from customer and email updates.

bundle event training - get new email subscribers
Do I have to have an email list to join bundle sales?

Not all bundle sales require you have a list. If you have any sort of following that you can promote the event to and drive some sales that could be acceptable.

How much time does this take to implement?

That depends, really. If you already have a product that you can add into a bundle sale it could be as quick as it takes you to fill in a form! That’s one of the big PERKS of these sales – if you’ve got the product ready it can be very fast return for your time invested.

Does it cost money to participate in bundle sales?

It depends on the sale. Some cost money and some are free. I just participated in a free event that brought me over 240 new subscribers and counting (sign ups close next month). I have joined another that costs $150 to join and I have added about 400 people at a time. I’m willing to pay if I know it’s going to be a high-quality event.

What tech tools do I need to participate in a giveaway?

All you need is email software! If you have email software you can deliver the product via email after your people sign up.

How I Started an Email List!

I enjoyed our collaboration and work over the past few years. I loved offering my digital product e-course in your 1st bundle. I have grown my list through this avenue and have gained some great followers. It’s basically how I started an email list. I love our digital nomad industry and want to raise awareness in the Australian community.
Amber Fuller

Angela Wills, Owner, Sole Proprietor